Where is madison pettis now

Show all Hide all Show by Hide Show Actress 46 credits. Deltopia post-production Ellery. Margaux post-production. Princess Olivia voice. Olivia voice. Natasha 'Tosh' Bennett. Show all 20 episodes. Zuri voice. Show all 6 episodes. Cassandra voice. Stacey Vanhoven. Chloe Perrente. Izzy voice. Show all 93 episodes. Show all 10 episodes. Adyson Sweetwater voice.

Teen Adyson Sweetwater voice. Additional Voices voice. Show all 11 episodes. Video Tara. Allie Brooks. Show all 40 episodes. Video Lala voice. Sophie Martinez. I would never say these things. So it made me look at other projects. What characters can I find that are the most different from me that I can just really step out of myself, and challenge myself as much as possible?

View Iframe URL. And as she hopes to take more parallel roles in the future, Madison is looking forward to shaking off even more expectations, fulfilling her ultimate game plan. There's so much you don't see. So you just have to be really patient and persistent with whatever goal you're trying to do in the entertainment industry or anything you're trying to achieve for yourself, like it's a long game. There's so many ups and downs you don't see. But eventually, I think it's all worth it.

Johnson stars as Joe Kingman, a successful major-league quarterback who is shocked when an eight-year-old daughter from a past relationship, Peyton, shows up on his doorstep. Ill-equipped to parent anyone, Joe has to learn how to balance his thriving career with his growing paternal feelings for the daughter he never knew.

That Peyton, as played by child actress Madison Pettis, is a curly-haired, incredibly cute little girl who loves ballet certainly helps! Since the film crushed it at the box office, Pettis has certainly stayed busy, including guest spots on multiple television shows, a main role on a Facebook Watch series, and appearances in several movies. Here's what Pettis has been doing since her breakout role in The Game Plan.

Madison Pettis has had an agent since she was five years old, and she shows no signs of slowing down. Even when she was in theaters with Game Plan , Pettis was already a regular in the Disney show Cory in the House , where she played the president's mischievous young daughter, Sophie Martinez.


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