Menards was born out of a growing local demand for pole buildings. Menard began his business to serve the rapidly changing farm industry in As consumers started requesting lumber and building materials, Menard entered into the building materials business, calling his retail outlet Menard Cashway Lumber and opening the first retail location in The company expanded into manufacturing more substantial building materials on-site, opening a truss plant in the late s.
An early experimentation for the retailer was using an efficient delivery system to supply its stores. Menards supplied all of its stores from its distribution center in Eau Claire until , when a second center opened in Plano, Illinois, according to the company. Menards now operates 11 distribution centers in eight states, including two in Wisconsin and three in Iowa.
The company sells Menards Building Division in The source for the timeline entries is Menards. The story of Menards is incomplete without a short biography of founder John Menard, who not only built the company, but has also directed its course for decades.
In the s, Menard was a young man working to pay for college in Eau Claire who saw an opportunity for entrepreneurship. Menard set out to start his own business when he left his high school job to construct pole buildings. In business, Menard is detail-oriented, thrifty and an opportunist, similar to many retail entrepreneurs who built large companies in the 20th century. Also like Walton, he is willing to try selling a broad array of products in his stores, including groceries, diapers and toys, alongside traditional home improvement departments such as electrical supplies and lumber and building materials.
Menard stands out as eclectic, with a penny-pinching approach to business but a famous, expensive interest in car racing. In a article, Forbes reports that Menard told the magazine he no longer runs his retail chain. Perhaps confirming active involvement in the company, Menard made a public appearance with car dealer Tom Kelley in March to announce a business partnership that would include expanding two Menards stores in Indiana. Regardless of how active he is in the company currently, Menard, at nearly 80 years old, is the wealthiest Wisconsin resident and one of the richest people in the U.
However, Menards has expanded into more locations throughout the Midwest with buildings that are larger in size than their predecessors and retail competitors, too. In , Menards debuted its remodeled Eden Prairie, Minnesota, store, which was a ,square-foot, two-story operation, according to a article in the Minneapolis Star Tribune newspaper.
The company can likely do so because of its private ownership. Study microbiology and CDC stats you may little to no credibility in the requirements for masks with no standards other than socially feeling better about yourselfs. I will give the store credit to a charity and recommend they shop at a different store after they use the gift.
It takes a lifetime to build a great relationship and a day to ruin it. I am so sad to say that we will not be shopping at your stores anymore!!! We were treated so badly for not wearing masks. I thought we were free and Menards believed in freedom! Your policy is like living in a communist country! Home Depot has been very welcoming and so have all the other stores in our area!
Menards was our favorite! I will no longer be giving your store business, I will be taking my business needs also, when I have to wear a mask to use your store and no law that says I have to, you have went way over the line with me.
Thank you, Menards for requiring Masks. I do ask you to encourage employees and shoppers including children to wear masks covering mouth and nose. I am sorry to hear some folks offended about mask requirements. If we all will respect each other and our health and practice physical distancing and wear masks we will minimize the virus threat and hopefully not be infected or infect someone else.
Thank you, Menards! A DIY person visits Menards several times a week. I have been a patron of Menards for some time now and have had no issues and usually very good service. Because of these experiences I suggested to my son who is on break from college to get a job at Menards for the summer. To my surprise he did what I said and got a job at the Lansing Menards in Michigan.
I am very disappointed with the way they are treating him. Very unprofessional. Menards did not give him the tools or resources he needs to do his job. When he approached management to inquire and make some suggestions they literally made a joke about it and laughed at him.
Obviously, he is seeking employment elsewhere and I will not be shopping at Menards any more. I will Never shop at Menards again. It is my constitutional right to the side for and my own Health and wellbeing if I I choose to wear a mask.
Also was asked to leave because I have a service dog and did not have my papers to prove it. Your company is doing the wrong thing. Until you change you policy I will never shop at your store again. Went into Menards in Lima, Oh…had to interrupt 2 gentlemen standing by a forklift for assistance in the garden center. Told him what I needed, he took a picture of it with my phone.
He told me when I went inside they would give me a ticket to give to someone in the yard to pick up my stone. At that point I was done.
Please open a location in So Cal. Home Depot needs competition. Mom and pop Ace Hardware are way overpriced. Please come to California! Support the mom and pop Ace Hardware store — they are the small business owner and need your support. Menards is being real A-holes with this Covid thing. I will NOT shop Menards until they free up their dictator type of policy. Your store in Wixom, MI denied me entry to this store because I am medically ordered by my doctors not to wear a face mask due to my disability.
There is not an order that is legally enforceable and be to denied entry due to my disability is in violation of the American Disabilities Act. Educate your staff and yourselves or I am sure that civil suits will follow. I will no longer give my business to your company. I was denied access in Warren Ohio same thing I would love to find atterny to start class action suit. Menards was a reprieve and a little normalcy when the world had gone crazy…. I am disappointed because it shows me exactly where you stand.
Hey get off your high horse. Thanks please come again. Hurry up and buy. Then on top of it you charge for Chinese masks.
I run a small business and use to go to Menards all the time, not any more. I will look for Ace Hardware stores, no masks there. I asked him if he was going to physically stop me from entering the store he was much younger and bigger than me and he just looked at me and finally said no but then told me the cashiers would not sell me anything. So I told him to get out of my way and walked in. Hardly anyone was in the store so the whole thing was stupid!
I wanted to but some patio furniture but found out it was made in China…so no way. I did buy a small item and checked out and bought it.
Too much stuff in their store from China and now pushing this B. Due to your policy on mandatory facemasks, I am no longer a customer of yours. I have been shopping faithfully at your store for twenty years but as of today I will never step foot in your store again.
You choose to follow this crazy agenda to try to control people. It has been scientifically proven that masks do nothing to stop a virus.
Even Dr. Fauci is now admitting this, yet you still want to try to force your customers into obeying. Well not me. I will give my business to Home Depot.
I order a blind for my living room window and when it came nine weeks latter it did not fit the inside like I m measured. I went to here in Cheyenne, Wyoming and I was told first it was not theirs, I told the kid it was cause I order it from here then he said he could not trim since it was a special order and it would not fit it was to big.
I had problems with the store in Cheyenne from being to the end. Your employees here in the blind department are vary rude. I will never bye blinds from you again. I believe you have a right to do what you feel is right for your employees and customers. Of all the countries in the world. Today I read a MSN. They make the very same quality masks in the USA. I am herby asking for Mr.
Mike Bowen, I am sure, would be happy to speak with you about my idea. I have no financial stake in this. Just want to make things right for our country. My son was at the Marinette store May 8th to return an item. He had to buy a mask to do it. While he was waiting, two people were turned away because they refused to buy a face mask.
There are other lumber companies to buy from, I am done with your business as well. Armed guards at the entrance? Really you imbeciles? If you are worried about your employees then mask them. If your patrons are concerned then they will wear masks too. I am not and will not! Nor will I shop there again until you rescind this policy. Very disgusted…and concerned about future policies. I am outraged that the company is trying to profit during a pandemic!!! During this entire outbreak, people are unemployed, struggling to make ends meet and Cannot find hand sanitizer, Lysol, gloves or PPE gear and Menards wants to charge money for a cheap mask.
The planting season is here and the yard work started. After being rejected for no mask went to Home Depot and Farm Fleet. Glad now that I did. I was throwed out of menards galesburg Illinois for not having a mask! Violation of 1st amendment! I want everyone to know the person at door said it was law there is no law on masks! Dimwit brain washed idiot! Wayne l Ellis OHHH but they are selling them for 1. Shame on them. Not to mention taking away my constitutional right.
It is MY choice to wear a mask or not. Now if cooperate mandates them then why not give them to the customers? Shame on you! I have filed a complaint with Consumer protection and the Department of Justice. Excuse me, face masks are for actively sick people to stop them from coughing and sneezing on people in close proximity, like on a crowded subway. They do nothing for healthy folks, and there is plenty of room at any big box store to avoid folks coming too close. I am not sick OR coughing and I refuse to wear a face mask in public.
You want me to shop at Menards you rescind this idiotic policy right now. Ditto with the equally asinine policy of banning anyone under What you are doing is called price gouging and you should be ashamed of yourselves! You have lost my business forever! But carding anyone who looks under 16? In Ohio, the face mask policy is that it is recommended for people to wear them, but not mandatory. Further more, the last few times I was in there before you all lost your minds, I saw employees wearing masks completely incorrectly, and they were constantly messing with and adjusting them.
And not sanitizing. I object to the requirement of wearing a mask. His parents, both teachers and dairy farmers, instilled in him 'the principles of frugality and, in Menard's words, common sense.
Alert to opportunity, Menard expanded the boundaries of his lates construction business. He began buying wood in bulk and then resold it to builders scrambling to find materials on the weekends: a time when lumberyards typically were closed.
In , Menard added to his building supply line. A decade later, when the building supplies generated a majority of his revenues, Menard sold the construction end of the business. He founded Menard, Inc. Deviating from the standard lumberyard format, Menards stores featured wide aisles, tile floors, and easy to reach shelves--a design similar to mass merchandisers.
During the s and s, Menard opened building supply stores in a five-state area: Wisconsin, Iowa, North and South Dakota, and Minnesota. Menard snapped up vacated retail sites, which were inexpensive but well-situated.
Seconds, overstocks, and closeout items were peppered among the product mix. By , Menards ranked 15th among the top home improvement chains, with estimated sales from the 34 outlets approaching the half billion mark.
Menard moved into Nebraska in , the Chicago area in , and Indiana and Michigan in The economic downturn in the early s slowed home turnover and boosted sales on the home repair and improvement front. By the fall of , 12 Menards stores served suburban Chicago and were in direct competition with the unit, Illinois-based Handy Andy, as well as Builders Square and HomeBase. Anticipating the arrival of Atlanta's Home Depot, Menard announced a major expansion drive.
The company planned to open up to 18 additional stores in three different formats. His personal wealth allowed him to finance a longtime hobby. Team Menard cars became perennial entries in the event; Menard spent millions on car and engine development.
In , Menard qualified two out of the three cars he sponsored for the Indy and placed 8th and 20th. Opinion aside, sole owner John Menard's business practices served the company well: Menard, Inc. In spite of the company's ever increasing size, Menard retained the flavor of a family business.
Once you've found your store page, there is a lot more information you can find out about your local Menards. Above the hours, there may be a note in red indicating if the store is open early for contractors. Is Menards pet friendly? For example, Menards was a pet-friendly store when we first began this list, but now they do not allow dogs in most of their stores.
How much do Menards employees make per hour? Are all Menards stores the same size? Brouwer reports that while all Home Depot, Lowe's and Menards locations are roughly the same size, Menards' stores often earn less per store. Who owns Walmart? Walton family. Who is Menards owned by?