Where is steve paikin

In the fall of , she was the Lord Norman R. Laurentian University offers an outstanding university experience in English and French, with a comprehensive approach to Indigenous education. Laurentian University, situated on the traditional territory of the Anishinabe peoples of Atikameksheng First Nation, prepares students as agents of change and empowers them to create innovative responses to local and global challenges. Antoni Cimolino will have a doctorate of letters conferred upon him at the a.

Cimolino is the artistic director for the Stratford Festival and director of the critically-acclaimed productions of Macbeth and The Hypochondriac. Born and raised in Sudbury, Mr. Cimolino credits his first love for the theatre to his teachers at St. Charles College and Marymount College. A respected artist and an influential leader in the global theatrical community, Mr. Cimolino began his Stratford career in as an actor, and began to direct for the Stratford Festival in the mids, winning acclaim for numerous productions.

Cimolino is passionate about enriching the lives of others through the education and practice of the arts. Rick Bartolucci will have a doctorate of laws conferred upon him at the p. He worked as a teacher and school principal for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board for 30 years before entering public office as a Sudbury city councillor from to and again from to Bartolucci proceeded to win five provincial elections and served as member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario from to , representing Sudbury for 19 years.

During those 19 years he held three Ministerial portfolios and served as Chair of Cabinet. Both ceremonies will take place in the Auditorium of the H. Fraser Building. Media interviews can be arranged in advance of the ceremonies. MAY 26, — Six distinguished Canadians from the fields of law, mining, engineering, journalism, education and social activism will be awarded Honorary Doctorates by Laurentian University at Spring Convocation ceremonies in Sudbury and Barrie.

Appointed on January 7, , she is the first woman to hold this position and is the longest serving Chief Justice in Canadian history. One of her great passions has been encouraging girls and women to consider science and engineering as career choices, and mentoring new women engineers in the mining industry.

Charles Pascal is a Canadian educator with expertise in early and higher education, public policy and leadership development. Joseph Roberts is a social activist, author, motivational speaker and CEO. Born and raised in Barrie, Mr. Roberts overcame personal struggles with addiction, poverty and homelessness. He created a foundation dedicated to youth drug prevention after entering an alcohol and drug intensive treatment program. As a motivational speaker, Mr. Roberts has reached thousands of young people.

He is currently leading a campaign to end homelessness among youth. October, 9, — The City of Greater Sudbury and Laurentian University, with the sponsorship of Canadian Government Executive magazine, have announced the schedule for the second annual Leadership Summit to be held October 16 th and 17 th in Sudbury. The goals of this summit are to build an innovative and collaborative leadership network, to present the latest research on leadership development, and to lay the foundation for the development of a new Leadership Institute.

Covey co-founded CoveyLink, a learning and consulting practice focused on enabling leaders and organizations to achieve superior performance. On October 17 th , the Summit moves to the campus of Laurentian University for a full day of interactive discussions, round-table conversations and a summit keynote. The forum will provide an opportunity for leaders from the private, public and non-profit sectors to share their perspectives on leadership.

Jennifer J. Deal Ph. Rosie Steeves, founder and President of Executive Works, an organization dedicated to helping leaders transform their organizations through effective leadership.

In her Convocation address, Mme Jean spoke to graduates about the value of education and the importance of close collaborations across cultures, languages and individual differences. We look up to her, as do so many other Canadians. Honourary Doctorates will also be awarded at Convocation ceremonies on the Sudbury campus, taking place from June 2 nd to June 6 th.

She worked with organizations involved with immigration and wrote about the experiences of immigrant women in Canada. She anchored news and current affairs programs on both French- and English-language television networks, and also produced documentary films.

During her term, she led 40 missions and state visits to countries around the world, and also navigated the potential constitutional crisis that ended with the prorogation of Parliament in She was recently conferred the Grand Cross, the highest dignity from the order of the Legion of Honour of the French Republic. You are now in the main content area. Laurentian honours four distinguished Canadians for improving lives and communities Laurentian honours four distinguished Canadians for improving lives and communities Nurse, Indigenous educator, noted architect, and dedicated philanthropist to receive Honorary Doctorates at Spring Convocation.

Rita G. Follow spaikin. Steve Paikin's articles. Remembering Graham Murray, Mr. Published On: November 10, For decades, he was a fixture of the legislature — and gave Ontarians the inside scoop. Robarts is far more than just the name of a library.

Published On: November 08, Sixty years ago today, John P. Published On: October 26, They skated their hearts out for Canada at the Winter Olympics. Fifty years ago today, the Bill Davis legend began. Published On: October 21, Published On: October 12, The one targeting the Liberal leader is more intriguing.

The throne speech shows the Ford government has come a long way. Published On: October 04, This year, the event was downright dignified. Some advice for Justin Trudeau, inspired by Bill Davis. Published On: September 21, So what was this election about, anyway? Published On: September 20, Why this riding is one to watch in Published On: September 13, The contest in Aurora—Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill has everything: a grudge rematch, family history, and floor-crossing.


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