That would generate so much more business for Fido. January According to my account, my fido dollars can only be used to add call forwarding to my account. They cannot be used for anything else. Hence my imminent move to another provider.
Rogers bought Fido shortly after I moved from Rogers to Fido in order to get better customer service. Since then, the service at Fido has declined steadily. I feel like I've been Rogered again. Just thought I'd share this interesting fact I recently read: FidoDollars are only valid for six 6 years from the day you start accumulating them.
Availability and validity period of FidoDollars. As soon as a Fido customer's participation is terminated for whatever reason, their FidoDOLLARS are revoked on the day their participation is terminated and cannot be used. November I am so frustrated with my cell phone provider to the point that I am seriously thinking of looking at other option for cellular providers. I've been with this company for over 10 years.
Their service and support used to be so good. They still have some good people working for them but much fewer now than before. Not much of a phone selection and they boast about their company dollars. Well I have nearly dollars and when I wanted to use it, I got the same answer of restrictions that other posters on here received.
It doesn't matter that you feel you are owed the FidoDollars. You willingly entered a new contract -- knowing full well that your FidoDollars are no longer available. This new contract is separate from any previous dealings unless stipulated within the contract.
You did not have to sign; but since you did, you are bound to pay as per the agreement -- in its entirety. Any issues which might have arisen prior to signing need to be dealt with separately. That is, if you are awarded the return of your FidoDollars, Fido would have to apply a credit for that amount to your account. You cannot simply withhold what you feel you are owed. Doing so, you violate the terms of your current contract. That said, I am sending you a PM so we can look into that together and work towards a solution.
Hey peepsrocks! Thank you for your feedback. Did you review your invoices from that time? If you wish to discuss it futher, I would be quite happy to send you a PM. Unfortunately, the Fido Dollars program has ended.
Fido started phasing out the program for prepaid customers in late , if I remember correctly. You should have received communication in early that the program was ending in its entirety July 6, see here. It's probably not what you wanted to hear, but hope this helps. Help Sign In. Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Showing results for.
Search instead for. Did you mean:. Fido dollars no longer a thing? Go to solution. The Fidodollars can't be use for data add-ons. Only for devices, other selected add-ons and travel packs. October How can i check how many Fido dollars I have avaliable and how can i apply the amount to my upgrade.
You can get more details here. CastrolEdge Welcome to the community! You are not allowed to use your Fido dollars to pay your bill because its part of the terms of the program that the Fido dollars can not be used to pay your bill. It can be used for hardware upgrades and certain travel packs and addons. For full details on the program see here.
June Hey rajm and thank you for using the Community. Hope this helps. May You can visit the Fido rewards page here. Hello, is it possible to use the fidodollars towards a new phone without subscribing to a new plan? Help Sign In. Turn on suggestions. You can also reach out to us on Facebook , or Twitter.
Help Sign In. Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Showing results for.