We also have four molars on the upper half of our mouth. Like the canines and incisors, they are used for eating, and their broad surfaces are best for grinding down food so it can be swallowed safely. Our bottom teeth are much the same, including canines, molars, and incisors, although some in higher numbers.
Found on the bottom are six molars, three on each side of our mouth, two canines, one on each side, and four incisors located at the front. One type of tooth only found on the bottom of our mouth is the premolar, a tooth located between the cuspid and molar. They are physically similar to these two teeth and physically located between them.
Although we have 32 permanent teeth as adults, we have our four wisdom teeth removed to avoid overcrowding. Overcrowding can cause a variety of oral health issues in adults. If an adult does not have their wisdom teeth removed, they run the risk of increased tooth decay, misaligned teeth, impacted wisdom teeth, and an increased risk of periodontal disease. If you are in your 20s or even early 30s and know that you have not had your wisdom teeth removed, speak to your dentist about the procedure at your next appointment.
It can be pretty simple to take care of your adult teeth , although we often need reminders in our busy lives. Remember to always brush your teeth gently twice a day for two minutes using a fluoride tooth place.
Brushing will help to clean food and bacteria from your teeth, mouth, and tongue, and fight the icky morning breath that no one likes to have.
Gum disease and the build of bacteria and tartar are significant causes of bad breath, so just this simple twice-daily routine will help keep you smelling and feeling fresh. Avoid sugary drinks, such as soda or other sweet beverages. However, soda is not all about sugar. The acid in soft drinks, in diet soft drinks, is truly what breaks away at the strength of our adult teeth and its enamel, creates cavities and stains, and erodes teeth from the inside.
It is best to limit soft drinks for your health, but if not for any other reason, do it for your adult teeth. How Many Teeth do Adults Have? Dentin Just under the enamel is a layer of dentin. Pulp The innermost layer of the tooth is the pulp or nerve. Proper Care of Your Teeth Great oral hygiene can help you keep your natural teeth for life. Other Topics. Different Types of Dental Hygienists. Nov 9, A failed root canal is when your treated tooth experiences some type of complication.
Nov 8, Nov 5, Nov 3, Alcohol vs. Alcohol-Free Mouthwash: What's the Difference? Is mouthwash with alcohol bad for your mouth? Nov 1, Oct 29, If you have a sharp tooth cutting your cheek, you need to go ahead and see a dentist.
Oct 27, Are you wondering how much does a root canal cost? Oct 25, Oct 21, Do you love green tea? The pointy teeth beside your incisors are called canine say: KAY-nine teeth. There are four of them, two on top and two on bottom. Because these teeth are pointy and also sharp, they help tear food. Next to your canine teeth are your premolars say: PREE-mo-lurs , which are also called bicuspid teeth.
You have eight premolars in all, four on top and four on the bottom. You'll need to open a bit wider to see these teeth, but when you do, you'll notice that their shape is completely different from both incisors and canines.
Premolars are bigger, stronger, and have ridges, which make them perfect for crushing and grinding food. If you open your mouth really wide, you'll see your molars say: MO-lurs. You have eight of these, four on the top and four on the bottom. Sometimes these are called your 6-year molars and your year molars because that is around the time when they come in.
Molars are the toughest of the bunch. They are even wider and stronger than premolars, and they have more ridges. Molars work closely with your tongue to help you swallow food. The tongue sweeps chewed-up food to the back of your mouth, where the molars grind it until it's mashed up and ready to be swallowed.
As we mentioned earlier, the last teeth a person gets are wisdom teeth. These are also called third molars. They are all the way in the back of the mouth, one in each corner. Wisdom teeth may have to be removed because they can cause problems in a person's mouth. Some people believe that wisdom teeth may have been used by people millions of years ago when humans had larger jaws and ate food that needed a lot of chewing.
It's believed that they're called wisdom teeth because they come in later in life, when a young person is becoming older and wiser. Your teeth are great for chewing, but you also need them to talk.
Different teeth work with your tongue and lips to help you form sounds. Try saying the word "tooth" slowly and notice how your tongue first hits the inside of your incisors to produce the hard "t" sound and then goes in between your upper and lower teeth to make the "th" sound.
And if you love to sing "la la la la la," you can thank those teeth every time you sing a song. Pay attention to what happens to your teeth and tongue every time you make the "l" sound. Brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste is your best bet when it comes to keeping your teeth in tip-top shape.
Try to brush after eating or at least twice a day. It's especially important to brush before bedtime. The best way to brush your teeth is in little circles — go around and around until you have covered every surface of every tooth. Brush up and down, rather than side to side.