In the end, Haru keeps his promise to Elie and has a firework display for her as he "dance battles" with Musica for Elie's delight. The next morning, Haru leads the Rave Warriors on a train to the desert for more Raves.
As they find a desert village being attacked by demons, Haru learns from Remi , the village maiden, that a man named "Gale" is their leader. After accepting to help in exchange for the Rave of Combat later, Haru heads out alone in an angered stated believing his father is behind everything. As he arrived at the tower, Haru defeats almost all the demons while remembering his dad not being present in his life and finds his father, Gale.
Together the Glory men head into the tower to stop him. As Haru tries to fight them, Let intervenes and challenges Haru to a duel. Haru accepts but the others get in the way despite Let's protest until the other Rave Warriors show up to help.
After being divided, Haru battles Let in an illusion of Garage Island. As they fight, Haru notices that Let can be saved from his dark job and as Haru unleashes Blue Crimson , he defeats Let and gives a word or two about the true meaning of fighting. Suddenly, Racas appears and tries to defeat the injured Haru, seeing the fight as unfair, Let tells Haru the secret of defeating Racas and Haru defeats him and orders the other to leave as he helps his father.
As Haru arrives to help his father fight King, King reveals that his Dark Bring is identical to the Ten Commandments and is almost stronger than it. After hearing King and Gale's past and hearing the truth of his mother's death, Haru becomes sympathetic towards King which greatly shocks him.
However as the fight continues, Haru falls on top of the recently arrived Elie and accidentally grabbed her breast and receives the Rave of Combat for her. Then as he is nearly victor and stops King with the Mel Force , King turns into a mad beast and it takes Gale and Haru to barely defeat him.
In the end, King uses another overdrive to destroy Demon Card completely and Haru becomes shocked to see not only King kill himself, but become sorry for what he did. As both he and Gale forgive King for killing Sakura Glory , the tower collapse. On their way out, Haru fights his dad for commenting on his luck for having a "beautiful, busty girlfriend" and how they were both going to kill a former boyfriend of his sister.
However, they stop as Elie is almost crushed by a boulder and saved by Let who helps them escape. In the end, Gale falls down a hole and Haru tries to save him but they both become trapped, doomed to be crushed by the tower.
However, after explaining to Haru the meaning of being a man and a father, Gale covers Haru's body to protect him despite Haru's pleas.
After the tower collapses, Haru is horrified to find his father died protecting him. After burying his father in a place similar to his mother, Haru seeks comfort through Elie over his death. As he looks within his heart Haru finds that he has several paths to choose from but thanks to Let, he realizes it is actually one path. After recovering for six months, Haru leads the Rave Warriors to Symphonia and he invites Let to join him which he accepts.
As Haru and Elie sightsee, they find a large floating casino. Haru goes with Elie to learn to gamble but Doryu 's gang appears and puts him and Elie to sleep so they can steal Plue.
Haru is then awoken by the Jiggle Butt Gang and he defends casino owner Ruby from Doryu's group after they turn on him for being a good guy. Haru then promises to protect Ruby and Ruby lets Haru pass through the toll for free. After Doryu destroys the bridge, Haru leads the others through the Death Storm into Symphonia successfully. While there, Let allows Elie to lead the group with headaches despite Haru's pleas.
Haru tries to fight Lucia but he quickly rushes past him and forces a kiss on Elie. Haru becomes enraged due to this and tries to defeat Lucia, but Lucia leaves after declaring himself the Dark Bring Master. With this, the Oracion Seis appear in order to kill Elie. Haru quickly goes to defend her but Berial gets in his way with his earth-elemental powers. As Haru shows concern for Let, who is undergoing a dragon trial, Berial becomes angry that Haru isn't paying attention to him.
Haru tries to go to her but Berial forces him down to watch her die. However, Haru is further beaten by him so he passes out. He then awakes in time to save Elie from Julius and not only save her but nearly defeat the Oracion Seis until Haja stabs him in the back with his hand.
As Haru is incapacitated, Sieg Hart arrives and saves them all only to make Haru angry because he didn't save Elie. He then learns about Lucia from Sieg but Haru doesn't care about Lucia being King's son, and thus he should be Haru's mortal enemy, but rather, Haru hates him for making Elie cry, with this, he declares that he will defeat Lucia.
After this, he leads everyone to an island full of Nakajima like people where a prophet lives and he gives them all a fortune. After that, he goes into a dark cave where a dark version of him tries to sexually abuse Elie but he defeats it along with a mouthed monster.
As Haru traveled to find the last Rave, Jegan arrives with an army of dragons and after Elie collapses of fever, Haru leads Musica and Let against him since they are stronger than the average dragon.
Without much progress, Haru leaves to inform Elie seeing her naked Let defeats Jegan by using what he says, is his ultimate technique.
As they land on land, Haru and Musica defeat many dragons until Let wins. Going forward, Haru defeats former Empire warriors until Deep Snow arrives.
Using Million Suns, Haru strategically withdraws, Haru runs into Shuda again and leaves the warriors to him. After finding the place where his father was raised by Evermary , Haru uses the memory stone to see his past. Haru seems happier and later that night, Haru leads Elie to the stone so she can see her past.
He reassures her that no matter what her past, he'll still accept her. However, Lucia arrives and destroys the stone for kicks and after hearing from Lucia that even when he and Elie are sixty they'll still be only holding hands, Haru challenges him with Shuda as the referee.
Haru begins using the Sacrifar which helps Haru nearly kill Lucia. However, Elie throws Plue at Haru which causes the sword to lose its grip on Haru's mind and Lucia begins to batter Haru mercilessly. After Shuda is stabbed helping Haru, Haru freaks on Lucia and destroys his Decalogue with his bare hands and starts to question what Lucia is fighting for. With this, the Rave Warriors leave and Haru is horrified to find out that Shuda has apparently "defiled" his sister to the point where Shuda calls himself Haru's brother-in-law.
Desperately needing money, and needing to cheer up Elie, Haru is convinced to let Elie enter a dance competition. As time goes on, Haru deals with the consequences of using Sacrifar. Over time Haru becomes somewhat jealous that he cannot help Elie in the competition since he can't dance right.
However, he is more interested in beating up Branch , a Demon Card member and his sister's ex. As the Blue Guardians show up to take Elie, Haru, Let and Musica join forces to defeat a giant beast until a giant snake rises up to help them. After being put to sleep by him alongside Let, the two eventually wake up and go to the Freedom Fighters' hideout to aid them. After inadvertently leading the Blue Guardians to the hideout, Haru speaks with his Dad about what it means to be a leader of people you love.
After this, Haru helps defend the hideout as he battles Koala after he took Elie. As he caught up, Haru realizes that the robot he had fought was Branch that Koala had transformed. In his rage over Koala's disregard for human life, Haru makes Koala realize his love for machines is only because of his own body's frailty.
Haru fails to notice that as Koala leaves tearfully, that his stole the Space-Time Staff. After hearing a bomb was going to go off, Haru leads everyone out but he realizes that Branch was not only the bomb, but he stayed behind to spare everyone his death blast. As they traveled after the Guardians, Haru met Belnika in a city and had his wound from Lucia healed.
With this, he leads a charge into the Blue Guardians' flagship and gets aboard just as they warp to Makai, the demon world. At first, he believes Shuda and Julius were behind it but they deny it so the others can go ahead. As the Rave Warriors get spilt up, Haru runs into Belnika again and proves to her that he is the good guy. With this, she leaves and Haru tries to follow her as he plows through many lackeys.
Haru arrives at the final area to receive the Rave of Truth. He is lead into an area where only he and Plue are allowed to go. When he arrives at the Colosseum, he sees Shiba, Galein, and Alice.
Shiba brings out the Rave of Truth which shines brightly in his hand. He gives it to Haru. However, when Haru takes it, the light disappears. Shiba ingests the potion and reverts to his youthful form. Shiba attacks Haru. Haru is dumbfounded by Shiba's superior speed, skill, and power. Haru gets an opportunity to strike Shiba but stops because he doesn't have the intent of killing Shiba.
Shiba then strikes Haru, nearly slicing his throat. Haru tries to challenge Shiba using the other forms of the Ten Commandments. Unfortunately, Shiba shakes off and deflects all of Haru's tactics without the aid of any of the sword forms.
Shiba then realizes why the Rave hasn't chosen Haru as the Rave Master. Shiba strikes Haru with tremendous force which Haru can't comprehend. Shiba tells him that emotions become the weight of the sword. Haru responds he bears the same feelings for the world which he loves.
However, Shiba says that it isn't enough. Haru has only been the Rave Master for two years. Shiba has been the Rave Master for fifty years. Shiba then tells Haru that he fought for the woman he loved, Resha Valentine. Haru wonders who it is he's fighting for. He questions whether or not it's his sis, Garage Island, or his friends. When he thinks about Elie, Haru is able to deflect Shiba's sword. Haru realizes that he fights to protect Elie from everything.
He eventually overpowers Shiba and breaks his sword. Thus the Rave of Truth accepts him as the Rave Master. Shiba then doubles over and begins to expire. He reveals that the potion that Alice gave him trades youth for lifespan.
Haru then yells at Alice for giving him the potion, however Alice asks Haru if he thinks that he wanted to give Shiba the potion. Haru then asks Shiba that if that he had lost then Shiba would return as the Rave Master. Shiba tells Haru that he believed that Haru would surpass him.
Shiba gives Haru his final words to pick off where he has left off. While Hiro Mashima has continued hoping his series will one day get a second chance at adaptation, this stumble has put a big damper in things.
In the United States, the anime was severely edited and aired on Toonami, and didn't see the light of day again for a few years until Sci Fi Channel picked it up as part of their Ani-Monday block. The manga as well as the anime was owned by Tokyopop , who dropped the series in without warning with only three volumes left to go.
Thankfully, Del Ray and later Kodansha Comics who are the holders of Mashima's other series Fairy Tail picked up the series and released the series from beginning to end. They published the final three books as a single volume. Though Rave Master ended years ago, it received a fun little revival in Mashima's later work, Fairy Tail.
Watch options. Storyline Edit. He meets Elie, a girl who loves to gamble but has lost her memory. They met up with Musica at Punk Street. They have to eliminate Demon Card using Rave and is helped by Elie's uncontrollable Ethelion and Musica's ability of controlling silver as a Silver-Claimer. Unfortunately, they had to collect 4 more Raves in order to eliminate the mother of all dark beings, Sinclair.
Together, they find out their past including Haru and Musica who both do not know their parents very well. They also find out the connection between Ethelion and Rave. Animation Action Adventure Fantasy. Add content advisory. Did you know Edit.
Trivia Plue also appears in the anime series 'Fairy Tail'. User reviews 2 Review. Details Edit. Release date October 13, Japan. He is always carrying his large sword, the Ten Commandments, over his back. In the anime series, Haru's pants are white but later changes to black in later episodes and his shoes are black and gray soles.
During his fight with Shuda in the near end of his arc, he is not seen wearing his short-sleeved black jacket due to being exploded by Shuda's techniques and his short sleeve shirt is shown to ripped into sleeveless and the right side of his shirt have tatters on them. In the middle episodes, Haru is later seen wearing a long-sleeved black jacket now have cross designs in each side and his white shirt is now loose and his pants are now black.
When he tries to help his father, King. He was seen in a red long sleeve shirt. In the near end and the final episode of the anime, Haru incorporates between his primary outfit and the outfit from the middle episodes and now wears a charcoal gray denim pants from his outfit.
He has a pure heart and strong will, he is devoted to his friends, becoming very angry when one of them gets hurt.