How old is sheldon cooper supposed to be

It was really hard to pick the right pic for this post, so here is a shot of us in a hug after we filmed the last group scene we would ever film for the series All of us will miss seeing you in this format, but we will be around in all sorts of ways, I assure you Facebook Twitter Email.

Show Caption. He then bettered that accomplishment by receiving his second doctorate four years later, making him a two-time Ph. He has two main weaknesses: his mother and his Meemaw. His Meemaw is someone who can do no wrong for Sheldon, so whatever she says goes.

Saim also covers entertainment articles for Fansided. Apart from freelance writing, Saim is a lifestyle blogger, co-owning the blog 3 States Apart. By Saim Cheeda Published Jun 07, He is about 4' 5" 1. In fact, in The Big Bang Theory, while he is an adult, his fashion is more childlike; however, in Young Sheldon , while he is a kid, his fashion is more adult-like. With few exceptions, Sheldon refuses all drugs, including alcohol and caffeine, as a promise to his mother though it's suggested in " The Codpiece Topology " that he drinks Red Bull, which contains caffeine.

In addition, when Penny mixed alcohol into his drink making it "slutty", he began to play the piano and sing "To Life" from the musical Fiddler on the Roof in front of an audience. A small amount of coffee made him extremely hyperactive, but unproductive in another episode.

Taking Valium also affected his behavior. Probably the most infamous time of him being drunk was when he had to give a speech in " The Pants Alternative " and he acted like a comedian due to the abundance of wine he drank to calm his nerves. The scene was uploaded on YouTube where it is revealed Sheldon also took off his pants and mooned the audience.

Howard once drugged him with his mother's sleep medication to get him to stop talking, but was unsuccessful. He exposed Penny's secret about her college career to Leonard. While it's argued that Sheldon drank beer in the Pilot , it's actually an orange soda clearly seen when Leonard holds up his bottle in the hallway. He does enjoy a Mountain Dew in " The Vengeance Formulation ", one of the more caffeinated sodas, even calling it "refreshing".

He also likes "diet virgin Cuba Libres", which is essentially a Diet Coke with a slice of lime. It appears that he can drink caffeinated beverages to a certain point, but not to the extent of coffee, which he considers a drug. In " The Habitation Configuration " Penny serves him numerous glasses of Long Island Iced Tea, which he enjoys; however, he's unaware of the fact it's alcoholic and not actually tea as he genuinely believes and Penny makes no move to correct his assumption.

This drastically affects his behavior to the point where he attempts to "beat" an apology out of Wil Wheaton. In " The Thanksgiving Decoupling " he drinks beer with Bernadette's father since his own father died before they could do so. As a result, he became drunk and did numerous things, like burping pi, or as much as he could without throwing up, making fun of Howard's mother and her "bathroom clowns" by saying you could only fit one of her in a car, and insulting Howard, calling him the "clown that came out of her".

After apologizing for his behavior, he sent Amy to get him and Mike beers and slapped her on the butt, much to her pleasure. Later, he threw up on the clowns in the bathroom. In " The Dependence Transcendence ", the Flash appears to a sleeping Sheldon and tells him that all superheroes use energy drinks and take performance-enhancing chemicals.

The Hulk uses steroids and Batman stalks the night looking for fights because he drinks scotch. He gives Sheldon his first energy drink free because he invested his money in Marvel Comics , the rival comic book company.

He goes hyper while working on their gyroscope miniaturization project and then drives everyone crazy thinking that he was addicted to energy drinks. Despite his strange behavior, Sheldon has, at times, demonstrated a much softer side to himself.

He does seem to be quite a heartwarming character; however, these moments are rather rare, and usually only reserved for those closest to him, such as his mother , Meemaw , Amy , and his friends.

Although his friendship with Leonard is usually strained because of Sheldon's quirky behavior and weird habits, Sheldon has called Leonard "his little buddy", or something of the sort on multiple occasions.

He also shows an obvious unease whenever his friendship with Leonard is threatened. Sheldon's also shown friendly acts of caring towards Penny. In one instance, when Penny was low on money, Sheldon let her borrow a large amount of his savings, but while she worried about paying it back, he was entirely unconcerned as to when he got it back. Sheldon's willingness to lend money to others was later described by Leonard as "one of the few idiosyncrasies that doesn't make you want to, you know, kill him".

Also, after Penny let him stay at her place when he locked himself out of his apartment, Sheldon sincerely thanked her for it. When Penny fell and dislocated her shoulder, Sheldon spent the entire night taking care of her, including driving her to the hospital despite the fact that he does not know how to drive. He finished the night by helping her into bed and singing " Soft Kitty " to her after she asked him to. He also hugged Penny again when she said she would talk to Leonard about having him take Sheldon to Switzerland rather than her.

This prompted him to sincerely thank her and hug her. When Howard's mother died, Howard fell into a depression as Sheldon told him he understood his pain as he lost his own father and though he didn't have friends at the time to help, Howard did causing the latter to smile as these comforting words.

This was one of Sheldon's kindest moments as all his friends expected him to be rude especially Leonard and Penny who were moved by his words.

With Amy, he specifically cuddled with her in the episode " The Isolation Permutation ", after a discussion to console a weepy Amy who was craving human intimacy and physical contact. After turning down Amy's previous proposals of getting into bed together and French-kissing, Sheldon agreed with her final offer to cuddle, though he got upset over it later, by yelling at Leonard and Howard to keep Penny and Bernadette in line and have them apologize to Amy since consoling Amy had caused him to miss the time he had designated to solve Space-time Geometry in Higher Spin Gravity and building his Lego Death Star.

This particular event of him cuddling with Amy is a huge development of his personality since he is not shown to have much empathy or sympathy for others. Amy is his one big exception.

His caring attitude towards Amy is also exemplified when he buys her a diamond tiara as a form of apology after having a fight regarding the importance of Amy's accomplishment when her research made the cover of a noteworthy science magazine.

In another instance, Sheldon acted disrespectfully in Amy's laboratory when he was taking his required vacation time. The next day, however, he returns and after a few attempts, meekly apologizes to Amy, showing a vulnerable side of him that isn't usually seen considering his egotistical attitude.

Perhaps the greatest leap forward in Sheldon's willingness to show his softer, more emotional side to Amy is when he voluntarily, without any prior prompt from Amy, held Amy's hand while Howard's Soyuz Rocket was being launched into space. Amy was shocked at this, since Sheldon had acted confused and oblivious when she had tried holding his hand in " The Alien Parasite Hypothesis ".

In season 6, he objects to Amy making him hold hands as he considers it unhygienic. He also takes care of her when she was sick even though he first starts to leave and then thinks better of himself.

After 8 seasons, he finally enjoys making out with Amy after being disturbed by it. On Amy's birthday, he decided to have coitus with her in season 9 to show her how much he cared for her. He later admitted that he gets turned on by interaction with her in season Shamy seems to get turned on discussing or arguing about science. Along time ago, he always had been rude and offended a lot of people. Mostly he never apologizes for being a jerk.

In later seasons, he started maturing and starts apologizing to people every time he is being a jerk or being rude when somebody tells him. In the series finale, he was going to make a self-centered speech when he won the Nobel Prize and rub it in the fact that he won in people's face. Instead he thanked his friends and his family for making him a better person and helping him and tolerating him all the way up to winning the Nobel prize.

In contrast to his profoundly religious mother and devout evangelistic Baptist upbringing, Sheldon has no interest in religion - he tends to ignore or express dislike for religious celebrations such as Christmas, and wastes no time in bringing up the Pagan origins to each festival.

Additionally, his scientific beliefs often come into conflict with the spiritual beliefs of his mother, Mary. Nevertheless, he has an agreement with his mother to attend church once a year, and once exclaims "Thank you, Jesus! His attitude towards God has been hinted at being of an Agnostic nature, when in the episode " The Zarnecki Incursion " he says "Why hast thou forsaken me deity whose existence I doubt When he sees his mother having sex, he is very concerned about the hypocrisy shown by his mother having relations outside of marriage yet expounding the Bible to him throughout his childhood, even going as far to declare "don't turn to him, he's mad with you" when his mother uttered "oh dear Lord" during the conversation.

He possesses knowledge of other religions and denominations, such as Hinduism , Judaism , Catholicism a denomination of Christianity. Sheldon also appears to have problems understanding the law at times. Sometimes, his expertise of lock-picking gets him in trouble. He is shown to drop objects out his window into traffic without any regard, in addition to breaking into buildings. He has also been seen going into various places, such as a kid's ball pit, and even began working at the Cheesecake Factory without being granted permission.

He has expertise with picking locks and disarming alarm systems. Furthermore, the Department of Homeland Security notifies his mother when he acts contrary to federal law. As he states later, "Apparently, you can't hack into a top-secret government supercomputer and then try to buy uranium without the Department of Homeland Security tattling to your mother. He also states that he has been arrested for jaywalking when he said to a police officer "You just saw me jaywalk, aren't you going to arrest me.

Maybe I should arrest you for impersonating a police officer". Another notable trouble with the law involves Sheldon going to court for running a red light when taking Penny to the emergency room. This resulted in Sheldon being found guilty and forced to pay the cashier, only for him to insult the judge and being thrown in jail simply because he refused to apologize for his comments. In addition to apologizing to the traffic court judge and paying the fine, Sheldon was forced to accept three points on his non-existent driver's license.

Despite these legal mistakes, Sheldon is not above turning his friends and family in for breaking the law. Sheldon has qualities include social ineptitude and many more traits which make him the most eccentric and bizarre of the characters in the show. The writers did not want to identify his condition and have people disagree with his future actions as not consistent with the medical condition. Many of these traits are the reasons why Leonard finds him hard to live with and his friends find him so hard to be around.

These include:. He also keeps a record of what he considers faux pas "strikes", which he allocates to those who violate his self-imposed conditions.

Upon receiving three strikes, Sheldon gives them the choice of apologizing, being "banished" from the apartment for a year, or taking a "class".

Despite Sheldon's personality disorders and difficult habits, his friends usually just do what he says because it is easier. In the final episode Sheldon learns that his friends only tolerate him because they know he doesn't realize he is exhibiting these traits on propose. In his final speech he thanks them for their support and apologizes for not being a better friend.

It has also been revealed that Sheldon has a bifurcated uvula, something which he is self-conscious about. The most notable feature of Sheldon's obsessive-compulsive disorder is his refusal to sit anywhere other than his designated spot on the far left cushion of the couch in his apartment, which he considers his "single point of consistency in an ever-changing world" and "the singular location in space around which revolves my entire universe", exceeding his love for his mother.

He describes his spot on the couch as being his point 0, 0, 0, 0 if his life were a Cartesian coordinate plan. Sheldon regularly reproaches Penny and other people for sitting in his spot. Even disruptions to this location are enough to disturb him. Although he did allow Penny to sit in his spot in the first episode, as well as Howard, for a short time in " The Apology Insufficiency ", only 94 seconds later, he reclaims his spot.

As well as his designated spot in the apartment, if Sheldon is ever in a different area where he is going to sit down, such as Penny's apartment , he has to choose the best sitting location based on such things as optimal television viewing, lighting, airflow, and cushion density.

In " The Werewolf Transformation ", when his barber was ill and chaos ruled his life, he didn't object to Penny sitting in his spot. In " The Mommy Observation " Leonard reveals that Sheldon has a very sensitive butt and can tell when someone was sitting in his spot. However, when at the North Pole the furniture in their cabin was arranged like in Apartment 4A with his spot being in the appropriate location. Sheldon is the best friend of Leonard, as they live together and are accustomed to tolerating each other's quirks ever since Sheldon put out an ad for a roommate with a list of criteria to follow.

When Leonard first met Sheldon he had a bunch of rules that Leonard had to follow and a series of questions to answer. Despite Sheldon sometimes making remarks to the contrary, he appreciates Leonard and assures him that his friend will not die alone. He even once told Leonard that he platonically loves him, when Leonard had to face his old high-school bully, Jimmy Speckerman. When Penny asks Leonard why he deals with Sheldon, he explains that Sheldon has actually saved his neck a few times, such as when he stopped him from being incinerated by his own improperly formulated rocket fuel and didn't tell on him to the landlord, the police or the Department of Homeland Security.

This incident also lead to the destruction of the elevator , as Sheldon had just enough time to put the explosive contents of the container into the elevator before it exploded.

Leonard also, more than all of Sheldon's other friends understands him the most, as viewed in many scenes where when all hopes failed to get Sheldon to participate in something, Leonard will be the last resort to come up with something successful. When Penny and Sheldon had a spat due to Penny sitting in his spot and touching his food and later refused to apologize to him, which resulted her being banished from the apartment, Penny came up with her own set of revenge, including banishing Sheldon from the Cheesecake Factory and messing up with Sheldon's Laundry Night.

When things got really ugly between the two, a fed up Leonard secretly gave Penny Sheldon's mother's phone number, telling her it is Sheldon's Kryptonite. The feud ended after that, with Sheldon, clueless to the fact that it was Leonard who helped Penny, told Penny that she played well. Another instance was when Penny tried her hands at opening her own business by selling Penny Blossoms. When they had to stay awake all night to help Penny meet her order, a sleepy Sheldon refused coffee and decided to head to bed instead, leaving the rest to finish up by themselves.

A frustrated Penny looked on to Leonard to do something and Leonard did, by saying to Sheldon that without his insight and leadership this entire enterprise will surely fail, which prompted Sheldon to change his mind and drink coffee.

In " The Septum Deviation ", Sheldon objects to him have elective nasal surgery due to the risks of surgery indicating that he really cares for Leonard despite his condescension. Sheldon and Leonard have co-authored at least two scientific papers together. After a tearful period thinking about them him moving out, Sheldon lets him go one night a week to stay at Penny's. Sheldon still sleeps on her couch that night. They can't so Sheldon rushes the gate, gets caught by being tased and almost gets the two of them arrested.

Leonard is mad, but still calls it an adventure. In " The Approximation ", Leonard finally moves out to live with his wife Penny; however, in the end Penny agrees that they will spend at least half their nights back in Leonard's old room. In " The Convergence-Convergence , Sheldon invites his mother to Penny's wedding re-do without consulting the couple. He still considers himself part of their romantic relationship. Sheldon does not notice the growing affection between Leonard's father Alfred Hofstadter and his mother who bond over their mutual hatred of Beverly Hofstadter , his charm and his respect for other's beliefs.

He is very uncomfortable when he can't contact his mother and that she is probably hooking-up with Alfred. In " The Conjugal Conjecture ", Sheldon stands up during Leonard and Penny's vow renewal to tell them how much he loves them even though he often doesn't show it. He is also worried over them becoming step-brothers if their father and mother get married. In " The Matrimonial Metric ", Sheldon and Amy test their friends for positions in their wedding party.

The gang gets pissed and no one wants to be in their wedding. Later Leonard tells him that his best man is his own choice and Sheldon choses him. He is also happy that Sheldon was now legally Amy's problem, but Sheldon says that that is not going to stop him from being his problem. After the wedding ceremony is delayed, Leonard checks up on them and finds Sheldon and Amy inventing super asymmetry which also gets Leonard fascinated and involved.

Penny has to come and get the three of them to start the wedding. In " The Citation Negation ", Leonard helps Sheldon with the footnotes in his Super-Asymmetry paper and finds an old untranslated Russian paper that states that Super-Asymmetry is not worth pursuing.

In " The Stockholm Syndrome ", Sheldon is still acting superior and due to Amy's tough-love words, Sheldon realizes it and then thanks Leonard and the rest of his friends for tolerating him in his Nobel Prize speech. Penny Right with Sheldon left as they ride the elevator. Despite Penny not being a smart person nor sharing many of the group's interests, and having almost constant fights with Sheldon in the early episodes, they became best friends.

Penny does care for Sheldon during illness or Penny takes him in when he is locked out of his apartment while his friends are in Las Vegas. Sheldon returns the favor as he cares for Penny when she dislocates her shoulder. In all of these instances, the story line ends with one of them singing " Soft Kitty ," a song Sheldon's mother used to sing to him when he was sick. On the one hand, Sheldon and Penny spend a lot of time getting on each other's nerves: Sheldon often mentions how uneducated or untidy Penny is, while Penny likes to irritate him by sitting in his spot, messing with food, and they once started a futile war Penny blocked Sheldon from doing his laundry on his laundry day, and he responded by throwing her clothes and underwear out the window.

Also when he asks Penny for something or uses her as an example, he ends up inadvertently insulting her; however, they also efficiently team up, for example to plan Leonard's birthday Sheldon only participated when Penny blackmailed him into helping or to develop Penny's " Penny Blossoms " business, singing along to sailors songs to motivate each other. They end up spending a lot of time together as two best friends to help each other and give each other advice Penny helping to find a suit for Sheldon for an awards ceremony, or seeking Stan Lee 's address for him because he couldn't meet him as the other members of the group did; Sheldon teaching Penny physics to help her in her relationship with Leonard.

On a few occasions they also appear to share a sort of intimacy that Sheldon doesn't have with anyone else: they both take care of each other when they don't feel well; they stayed together in the flat, cranky and grumpy, as they had both caught the flu after a hug they had exchanged; Sheldon has an immediate, very nervous and alarmed reaction when he hears Penny calling for his help from her flat; they sing together "Soft Kitty" as a round in a kind intimate moment; Sheldon adds an amused "Bazinga" to one of Penny's jokes, to which she replies with a tender "Hmm Amy has shown jealously of this closeness between the two of them even after she moves in with Sheldon.

Sheldon acknowledges Penny as one of his best friends along with Leonard and Raj , while he considers that Howard is a "treasured acquaintance," though he has known him a lot longer than Penny. Also, when Penny and Leonard break up, Sheldon still considers Penny a friend and makes dinner plans, which he tries to hide when Howard informs him that it is inappropriate behavior and "bros come before ho's.

In the end, Leonard and Penny in a way share custody of Sheldon, taking him to Disneyland and out to buy new shoes. The interaction between Sheldon and Penny has been praised by critics. James Chamberlain of IGN wrote: "Cuoco and Parsons are great in their own right, but when put together, they truly shine.

Club wrote that they "made such an inspired odd coupling that at times, it seemed as though the entire show were about them" and their chemistry "has some of the rattle and rhythm of the great comedic duos".

In " The Intimacy Acceleration ", Penny and Sheldon conduct a psychological experiment which should result in the couple instantly falling in love. Sheldon wants to do it because he thinks its poppycock, and Penny does it because she gets to ask Sheldon a lot of personal questions that he has to answer honestly. They admit a lot of truth about themselves like Penny wishes she were as smart as the others and that she uses comedy to cover up insecurities.

Finally they stare into each other's eyes for four minutes and decide that they do have a new found intimacy though just as a brother and sister.

In " The Celebration Experimentation ", Sheldon ran into the bathroom after overwhelmed by the birthday party they were throwing him. Penny went into talk to him claiming that it was okay if he wanted to be there. She would probably have tortured him along with his sister and friends at his birthday party when younger, but now that she knows him, he is one of her favorite people. Penny would be happy to spend his party in the bathroom with him. Sheldon doesn't want people think that that is weird.

Penny explains that everyone things he is weird, but still loves him and came to his party anyway. Later at the party, Penny makes him hug her and he has upgraded his feeling toward hugs to being mildly irritating. In " The Viewing Party Combustion ", Leonard get tired of the quarterly Roommate Agreement meetings where nothing important is ever discussed.

Penny who has signed the latest on as an occupant of the apartment and wants to attend since she gets to lead them in the pledge. Leonard sulks about attending the meeting which makes Penny mad driving her and Sheldon over to her apartment breaking the group into two separate camps.

Penny often takes Sheldon's side due to her sibling feelings for him. In " The Bow Tie Asymmetry ", Penny organizes picking up the relatives and is overloaded by Amy's mother's comments and personality.

When the wedding is delayed due to the absence of the bride and groom she explodes when she finds them doing science instead of getting married. Sheldon agrees with Penny so the wedding starts. Penny is overwhelmed at the ceremony of her two best friends getting married. Sheldon and Raj's relationship is rather complicated, but they are best friends. He seems to be the person least annoyed by Sheldon's eccentric quirks.

Sheldon once offered help to Koothrappali by giving him a job under his supervision, which Raj reluctantly accepted to save him from getting deported back to India. Raj is easily annoyed with much of Sheldon's antics, but has grown accustomed to them. Before the boys went with Sheldon on the Arctic Expedition, Raj explained to Howard that the reason he puts up with Sheldon is because of his religion; 3 months of suffering at the Arctic Circle with Sheldon would mean he Raj would be reborn in the next life as 'a well-hung billionaire with wings'.

Raj, as much as he hates Sheldon's opinions on every certain situation and his behavior, considers Sheldon as a good friend. Sheldon who loves rules and conventions immediately tells Raj that he can't go to Comic-Con this that year. Raj Was the 1st of Sheldon's friends asked to stand in series finale.

Sheldon and Howard are best friends, but their relationship is extremely complicated. The relationship between the two has its ups and downs. Sheldon in turn often makes fun of Howard for not having a Doctorate, his clothes, going to MIT and being an engineer.

In " The Parking Spot Escalation ", they fight after Howard acquired Sheldon's parking spot which Sheldon didn't need since he doesn't have a car. Their fight escalated and Amy and Bernadette go after each other, with Penny being injured.

Finally Raj gets Howard to give up his space, but Sheldon, not wanting Howard to be the better man, lets Howard use it until he gets a car or a Batmobile.

However, Sheldon has shown he cares for Howard at times, letting him sit in his spot in " The Apology Insufficiency " to make up for revealing details to the FBI that prevent Howard from obtaining a much needed security clearance, and insisting Howard had a beverage to help him after an argument with his mother.

Howard, much like Raj and Leonard, are quite used to Sheldon's inflated ego. What drives me to raise my hand right now and call foul is the appearance of Young Sheldon. That will not happen in real life.

The pilot promises that while teachers will yell and students will scoff, Sheldon will prevail. Consider the autism muppet, Julia, on Sesame Street. Julia will never push a joke too far or unwittingly say something unforgivably racist. But autism is not safe and fine. Autism is beautiful, and magical, and brilliant, but autism is also screaming, and hurting people, and agony, and clashing with the world.

This is why we need writers who create fictional characters from unfiltered truth. Cute autism, cute OCD, cute depression -- they trick us into thinking that tolerance is easy, because these conditions can be sanitized into character quirks to enhance a thirty minute comedy plot. I maintain the cute autism, so my child is only as autistic as he is allowed to be. And it looks like young Sheldon will be too. How do you write about the happy life you hope for your child to have when you have a hard time picturing it y..

As parents, we give our all to our children. As special needs parents, we give our all and then scrape the edg..


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