One important feature of the Patriarchal Age is that one can study and learn much about the mind of God as is revealed in His direct dealings with His people Rom. It reveals that God has always been very serious about His worship Gen. Another important revelation is the institution of the home Gen. Any perversion of this plan was and is unacceptable Gen. God expected honest, fair dealings from His people. The life of the honored man of faith, Abraham, reveals this.
There are so many great lessons to be learned from this historical age. Join our email list to receive the latest updates from Tennessee Bible College.
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Volume XXI. Article Contents. The Patriarchal Age. GORDON has been since Professor of Assyriology and Egyptology at Dropsie College, Philadelphia, where he has shaped his curriculum so as to train biblical scholars to correlate extra-biblical sources with the Hebrew and Greek testaments.
Most of his articles on the languages, history, sociology, art and archeology of the Near East have appeared in European learned journals. Oxford Academic. Google Scholar. Select Format Select format. It would not be unfair to imagine that the Hebrews were among the infinite variety of foreigners who overwhelmed Egypt at the end of the Middle Kingdom.
Beyond this it is difficult to come to certain conclusions. As far as the religion of the early Hebrews are concerned, it is generally believed that it had nothing to do with the Yahweh cult which is introduced by Moses , for Exodus asserts that Moses is the first to hear the name of god, Yahweh.
Several religious practices described in Genesis seem to indicate a belief in animistic forces and even, possibly, polytheism, but these passages are highly controversial.
All we know for certain is that by the end of the patriarchal age, several tribes identified with one another as having a common ancestor and a common identity. We don't even know what they called themselves; we haven't successfully figured out where the term "Hebrew" comes from, although the best guess is that it comes from the Egyptian word, "apiru," or "foreigner. Download our mobile app for on-the-go access to the Jewish Virtual Library. Category » Ancient Jewish History.
Academies in Babylonia and Erez Israel. Administration of Judaea. After Exile. Age of Patriarchs. Akkadian Language. Architecture and Architects. Ark of Covenant. Baal Worship. Bar Kochba Revolt. Barcelona, Disputation of.
Ben Sira, Alphabet of. Birth and Evolution of Judaism. Chronicles of Kings of Israel. Coins and Currency. Cult of Moloch. Dead Sea Scrolls. Egypt and Wanderings.
Episcopus Judaeorum. Great Assembly. Great Revolt. Great Synagogue. Hannah and her Seven Sons. Herodian Dynasty. Hillel and Shammai. Jewish High Priests.