When was the uniform arbitration act enacted

Tag: Arbitration. Aug 15 Browse archives for August 15 , Aug 01 Browse archives for August 01 , Feb 20 Browse archives for February 20 , Jan 17 Browse archives for January 17 , Oct 13 Browse archives for October 13 , Mar 03 Browse archives for March 03 , Rosenblatt , the Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court applied Atalese to an arbitration provision contained in an asset purchase agreement for the sale of a dentistry practice.

Condominium Purchase Agreements: In Dispenziere v. Kushner Cos. The Appellate Division expressly rejected the position that Atalese —which only involved causes of action pursuant to the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act and the New Jersey Truth-in-Consumer Contract Warranty and Notice Act—is limited to claims for statutory violations and, instead, held that Atalese applies equally to common-law causes of action.

The Appellate Division also rejected the argument that Atalese should not apply when the parties are represented by counsel in connection with the execution of the contract. Beverage Works N. Apr 03 Browse archives for April 03 , To view Arbitration World, click here. As the new act changes arbitration practice considerably, this article can only highlight some of the more significant changes. These are:. Consolidation: One of the difficulties of arbitration practice in Washington previously was the lack of any statutory authority concerning consolidation.

This may be a double-edged sword: for example, in a construction case, subcontractors with a small claim may find themselves tied up in a large and complex case involving all the other contracting parties.

Summary Judgment: A somewhat controversial feature of arbitration practice under the prior statute and under the Federal Arbitration Act has been the lack of any statutory authority for the arbitrator to summarily dispose of a case. We suspect that these provisions may prove to have considerable practical importance in future Washington arbitrations.

See RCW 7. Commercial Metals Co. By the year , however, things were different. The last four decades have brought about a technological revolution and a global marketplace, among other things, which in turn have caused profound changes in all aspects of our lives. Arbitration was not immune to such changes—in fact it underwent a significant growth and evolution during this period.

The result, according to Heinsz, is a statute that promotes an efficient, modern, and fair arbitration system. On Aug. These revisions1 are the first substantive changes in 45 years to the UAA, which in some form is the basis of arbitration law in 49 jurisdictions. In , a drafting committee was appointed to revise the UAA.

The result was a statute that received broad support from these arbitration organizations and groups. Skip to main content. Author s :. Page Count:.


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