Each of our product pages lists the hardiness zones in which that particular plant is best suited for growing. Take the time to learn your location on the garden zone map. Don't wait until the next planting season begins to ask yourself, "What is my gardening zone?
Selecting the right plants for your zone helps ensure a better performing and more attractive garden. As you become a more seasoned gardener and come to be more familiar with the advantages--and the limitations--of your growing season, you'll learn which of your favourite plants you can grow most successfully. We have received your request. You will be notified when this product is in stock.
Customer Service. Item Number or Keywords. Close Shopping Cart. New Check out what's NEW for fall planting. Plant in the Fall for Beautiful Spring Blooms.
Live Help Phone Order: My Account Login or Register. Shopping Cart 0 items in cart. I'm gardening elsewhere: Zipcode. Quick View Opens a dialog. Summer Bulbs Spring-planted bulbs that bloom during the summer can thrive in most hardiness zones. Sun Perennials Sun perennials are revered for their versatility, attract pollinators to your landscape and produce countless, lovely blooms for years or even decades.
Obviously, no state falls into just one zone. Most states have multiple hardiness zones that are influenced by topography and climate conditions. The Zone 8 region covers the coasts from West to East but most states fall in the south. There are 20 states, plus Washington, D. These include:. The temperatures in Zone 8 means the possibility of growing a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, flowers, trees, and other plants. Choices for vegetable plants and fruit trees are abundant.
You can use The National Gardening Association's frost date app to find the first and last frosts for Zone 8. These dates represent an average time for first and last frosts, but don't take into account unusual weather patterns that can cause more frequent freezes, as well as lower than normal temperatures. You can stay informed on the latest frost dates by downloading the app. Then, enter your ZIP code for a real-time frost timetable.
There are many things not included in the zone hardiness designations. The hardiness zones are guidelines for selecting plants to grow in a particular zone capable of surviving the winter temperatures. The zone guides don't include microclimates, soil fertility, droughts, soil conditions, rainfall and unusual weather patterns.
These conditions are very important to plant growing progress and can be found in Sunset's The New Western Garden Book. Zone 8 can provide you with an extended growing season that is longer than many other zones. The USDA hardiness guide can provide you with the correct zone subset where you live.
Soil building is the key, no matter what zone you live in. Texas cover crops are used in the hot season and are planted at the end of June, with plans for tilling in September. It wastes your effort, time and money. Make p lans for heat protection by using strategic planting methods. Utilize afternoon shade by placing tall plants on the west side of the garden.
While planning my new Texas garden, I chose to make use of a fence on the west side. Use water saving measures in the garden.
Drip irrigation and rain catchment practices will make your watering time easier. Learn about the lesser known benefits of mulch and other permaculture practices that help to conserve water in the garden from our related post: 4 Permaculture Principles Every Gardener Should Embrace. Connect with gardeners in your area. Consider joining a local gardening club or find a local group on Facebook.
The Pflugerville Gardeners group has been a great place to ask questions. At the very least visit the library and check out a good gardening book for your area. Keep records from year to year. I have at one time or another kept a red notebook, binder, and even used an online system check out the best free online vegetable garden planners on our website. I use it as my garden journal, yearly garden planner, and I expect it to be my future garden problem solver. The Gardening Notebook has been especially insightful to me as I adjust to the new garden seasons of Texas.
I can look back and apply what I learned from Oregon to my new garden here. All garden knowledge is helpful. Gardening is about experimenting, after all! Thank you for supporting PreparednessMama in this way! Preparedness Mama and its collaborators have created a one-stop shop of critical resources for families looking to prepare for disaster. We know firsthand that getting ready for the worst with a big family poses some particular challenges. Comments Thank you for this! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.