Where is i386 folder in windows 7

And if you have multiple i folders, this is a way of keeping different versions of similar files, very handy to have in certain troubleshooting and repair situations.

They could interfere with the proper functioning of Windows. Though these files are also located on your Windows installation CD if you have one , I recommend you not delete anything located here. This Windows "cabs" folder is essentially the same as the i folder. Email updates? Windows General. Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Showing results for.

Search instead for. Did you mean:. Last reply by Libra1 Unsolved. Science Rules 6 2 Bronze. What is the i Folder in the C: Drive? I do not know what it is. I'm a computer person, i am not a newbie. When I open the folder Hope you enjoy my website and learn everything you need to know in an easy to understand way.. Tips4pc Youtube Channel. There are two main setup files in the i directory. The Winnt The Winnt. Notes About the i Folder If you want to install the Recovery Console, you can only do this by using the windows file method Winnt So apparently there are some files that need to be fixed or replaced.

But I have no way to do this. I need to run sfc on a second hard drive installed in my system. The dribe is labeled f:. Is it possible to run sfc on the F drive? Ads are also not printed. What is being done wrong?

Kind regards, Jon. I followed the link you provided all the way to Setup, there is no Source Path. What do I do now? How can I recover Regedit if it was omitted from Windows Installer? I really need this one Thanks. Hi Leo I followed the instructions above as my SR has simply dissappeared!

I have tried everything here and nothing seem to work because I am still prompted to insert the CD even after rebooting and double checking my entries in registry questions does it matter if there is 2 partitions on my drive and is there a log file anywhere where I can see the progress to see if it is directed at the right spot in the sequence thanks.

Any ideas please? Hi Leo, found this article on my travels and it worked for me. Hope it will help others in the same boat. I had to change ServicePackSourcePath as well. Now SFC works properly. I found I was gettign that error also after i got Trojan downloader virus.

It rewrote my reg source path to D so I could not get on microsoft. I renamed the path to C and all is working fine again. I just wanted to thank you for the info included in this post.

I followed your instructions to the letter, and freed up some very much needed space on my system partition. Thank you! If so, should I copy and paste it into my Sony C: drive. Hi Leo — My registry does not have the folder SourcePath. What should I do — can I just create a folder in the registry with this name?

Im running xp pro sp3, Ive tried changing that registry location to my I folder correctly but sfc still demands the cd.


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