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By default it is joined to a workgroup called Workgroup, if you want to change the workgroup name, write a new name, then click OK. For the time being I will not join it to a domain, as I want to set this server my Domain Controller future article.
Once you click the OK button you will receive a message that the computer must be restarted, close the system properties page, then click on Restart Now to apply the changes. Once you click on it, you will receive a box to configure enabling manual or automatic configurations for sending error reports back to Microsoft, downloading and installating the latest updates , and allowing Microsoft to collect anonymous usage information.
If you clicked on Enable Windows automatic updating and feedback recommended , the Windows automatic updating, Windows error reporting, customer experience improvement program, will be turned on by default. Add roles: By default, the server does not have any role, to configure this server with a role, click on Add Roles , you will receive the Before you begin page, take a moment to read it and then click on Next.
For the purpose of this article, I am not going to configure any role or feature. As I have said earlier, I will configure few features and roles later on with future articles.
Add Features: Also once you have a clean install of Windows Server , the server will not have any feature installed on it, you can install features by clicking on Add features, you will have a list of all the available features, select any by enabling the checkbox beside the feature s you desire to install and then click on the Next button to continue with the wizard.
Update This Server: This section of tasks is where the automatic update options are set and the updates are manually installed. Customize This Server: This section is where the roles and features for the computer are added, as well as configuring the remote desktop and the firewall. Computer name The computer name is randomly assigned during installation. Administrators can modify the computer name by using commands in the Initial Configuration Tasks Wizard.
Windows Update Windows Update is turned off by default.