How old is solid snake in mgs4

Metal Gear Solid V. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Solid Snake. Log In to Edit. History Talk Do you like this video?

Play Sound. This article is about the character, Solid Snake. You may be looking for the video game, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. What we had faith in. What we found important enough to fight for. It's not whether you were right or wrong, but how much faith you were willing to have, that decides the future. Calm down. My name is S My name is Pliskin. We can leave behind much more than just DNA. Through speech, music, literature and movies That's what I live for. We need to pass the torch, and let our children read our messy and sad history by its light.

We have all the magic of the digital age to do that with. The human race will probably come to an end some time, and new species may rule over this planet. Earth may not be forever, but we still have the responsibility to leave what traces of life we can.

Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing. I'm leaving here alive. Snake's original left and revised right Transceiver Mode portrait in Metal Gear 2. Snake's Codec portraits in the initial demos left and the final version right of Metal Gear Solid. Along with Otacon, founded "Philanthropy," an anti-Metal Gear movement. Possesses an IQ of and fluent in six languages. Known to make the impossible, possible. Metal Gear.

Solid Snake, as depicted in the cover art for Metal Gear. Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. Metal Gear Solid. Solid Snake concept art for Metal Gear Solid. Snake in a Metal Gear Solid promotional art. Solid Snake concept artwok for Metal Gear Solid. Solid Snake artwork from Metal Gear Solid. Solid Snake wallpaper from Metal Gear Solid. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Metal Gear Solid 2 cover artwork featuring Snake. Solid Snake artwork from Metal Gear Solid 2. Snake wearing a balaclava while disguised as a soldier.

Snake, as featured on the Substance cover art. Snake appears in Evolution Skateboarding , as part of the Substance tie-in. Snake skateboards at the Big Shell, in Evolution Skateboarding.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Solid Snake concept art from Metal Gear Solid 4. An early promotional wallpaper for Metal Gear Solid 4. Old Snake with the Metal Gear Mk. Solid Snake, disguised as a militia instructor, infiltrates the Middle East. Solid Snake finds a replacement AK after avoiding several Gekko. Snake shooting at a Praying Mantis soldier in the Middle East.

Snake's Mk. Note that his height statistic is different from the final version. Solid Snake saluting Big Boss's grave at Arlington. Super Smash Bros. Brawl announcement. Cameo appearances. Promotional material. Solid Snake Play Arts Kai concept figure up close. Commemorative events. Konami Digital Entertainment. Retrieved on The Mk. II displays this information on-screen in-game. Liquid: That's right.

They are our brothers, created artificially through the alignment of nucleotides to mimic our father's genes. They too are the product of numerous sacrifices. They too our are brothers and sisters. Les Enfants Terribles. Snake [Big Boss], your son will bring the world to ruin, your son Big Mama: The egg used in the successful in vitro fertilization came from Dr.

Clark's assistant A healthy Japanese woman. Probably Athapaskan. They're originally from the same tribe as the Apaches and Navajos of New Mexico. Anthropologically, they're related to the Japanese.

There are even linguistic similarities between Athapaskan languages and ancient Japanese. You and he probably share many of the same ancestors. Master, I don't remember telling you that I was part Japanese Meryl Silverburgh: "Any family?

Roy Campbell: You were there too, I believe. Didn't you infiltrate western Iraq with a platoon of Green Berets? Solid Snake: "Never give up. Fight until the end.

Always believe that you will succeed, even when the odds are against you. Those are your words. POW: Thank you for saving me! He's being held in a secret cell. POW: Thanks for helping me! The only way to get close to the secret cell is to get caught Guard 1: Don't move!! Big Boss: This Big Boss Infiltration accomplished.

Find the cell where they're holding Gray Fox. Check the walls!! Gray Fox: You made it, rookie. I'm Gray Fox. Metal Gear is the ultimate weapon - an all-terrain, nuclear-equipped, walking battle tank. When it's finished, a nuclear strike can be launched from anywhere on the planet. We must do everything we can to destroy it before it's completed. There's only one way to destroy Metal Gear. And the only person that knows how to do that, is Metal Gear's developer, Dr.

Drago Pettrovich Madnar. And he is being held prisoner somewhere inside this building. Find Dr. I've been expecting you The leader of the fortress of Outer Heaven, Big Boss! I gave this mission to you, a rookie, thinking I could use you to fool the rest of the world But you were too good. You went too far! Solid Snake! I'm not going down alone. I'm taking you with me! Prepare to die! Solid Snake : "I came to get rid of the nightmares I've been having for the past three years.

To free myself of [Big Boss's] grip, to rid myself of these nightmares Subsequent games and sources use the date for both events. He's also the wary type, and especially so in his current predicament.

Wait I've got it! Gustava can speak to him! Is that the STB woman who was protecting you? Gustava is no ordinary woman. She is a seasoned professional. When we were captured, she alone managed to steal an enemy uniform and escape.

No doubt she's hiding somewhere in Zanzibar Land, waiting for her chance. The only thing I know is that she's wearing an enemy uniform. Don't be fooled by her enemy disguise The are no woman soldier in this fortress. That's all you need to know. Gustava is a woman. Why not set up an ambush someplace that only a woman would go? Like the ladies' restroom Over and out. Solid Snake: A bridge!! Drago Pettrovich Madnar: Let me go first. I haven't got long to live anyway.

No one will miss me if I fall. You can come across! See you on the other side. Hurry and cross over! It's me. Gray Fox! I'm taking Madnar with me! Tell you what, Snake. For old times' sake, I'll do you a favor and let you live, IF you get your sorry carcass out of here!

You hear me? Go home! Think it over, Snake Ha ha ha ha! You won't get rid of me that easily! Solid Snake: Madnar, did you kill Dr. Drago Pettrovich Madnar And it was I who caused Gustava's death on the bridge by contacting Gray Fox from the sewer! Give it to me!! It's not over yet If you skip all the cutscenes, MGS4 has a lot of great stuff — but redundant elements too, and a few duff sections.

The years have not been kind. Ranking: 7. After sorting her out, Big Boss finally accepts his nickname and christens this new merc paradise Outer Heaven. Weirdest bit : You can use X-ray vision, never explained, to look at the underwear of female characters during cutscenes.

This is a truly epic PSP game with a lengthy main game supplemented by numerous objectives and challenges. Series ranking: 3. Series ranking: 6. One for Metal Gear boffins only. Great, but hard to get hold of. The original MGS remains definitive. Obsessives only, and even then The card strategy is great, but Acid 2 is a much better take on the formula.

The surface interpretation is that, in an era where "war has become routine", the emotional trauma that creates such damaged individuals has also become routine. The unavoidable implication is that Metal Gear Solid is becoming routine in a wider sense, too, worn down by the repetition inherent to sequels.

It's worth pausing over the concept of repetition, however, because the word has negative connotations that are too strong. All games are built on repetition, even if only of the player's capabilities.

To be precise, conventional design depends on repetition-with-variation, creating the game's core mechanics and building a structure around them. The human mind adores learning and then mastering new skills, no matter how frivolous. The core of MGS4's design is repetition-with-variation, not just to bring MGS's history to a climax but to make a point about the commercial video game formula. Kojima stitches together a parade of Frankenstein's monsters that re-enact classic scenes in their image.

He makes his first appearances saving Snake from danger, just as Gray Fox did, and we then see the prettyboy of MGS2 has become another chimera, a monstrously sleek fusion of nanotechnology and human flesh. The repetition-with-variation goes much, much further.

Raiden is now a proxy for the cyborg ninja, but the character was also a proxy for Solid Snake and the player to start with. Everything in the 'new' Raiden has an old source, and the character's existing meaning is overwritten as he is absorbed under the repetition. This synthetic approach to characterisation shows, forcibly, that the future of a video game series is almost unbearably constrained by expectations from the past. This is not just a matter of changing locations, or era, or characters - all of which Kojima had tried before.

The main promotional image for MGS4 showed Solid Snake, his body arched back in what looked like a scream of pain, with his lower half dissolving into tiny silhouettes of guns, items and characters.

Snake's character is composed of his game history, and as a game character he is doomed to repeat himself. The most direct manifestation of this theme is the fourth chapter's return to Shadow Moses, the setting for MGS. At the chapter's opening, MGS4 turns into an emulated version of the original game, a fun few minutes that are explained away as Snake daydreaming on the plane.

On arrival at Shadow Moses, the nostalgia factor is off the charts, with the leap in fidelity and incredible snow effects going straight for the heart, helped along by old codec 'memories' scattered around. This repetition is exactly what some fans wanted: the return of classic Snake in a classic Metal Gear setting. But this is no homecoming.

Solid Snake is an old man, out of time, a 'normal' human being with no place on this nanomachine-led battlefield. And Shadow Moses, too, is old and decrepit, the familiar security systems rusted and useless.

It turns out to be infested by robots that mimic the walking patterns of the original's soldiers, their limited sensing range mirroring the older game's reduced sightlines. It's one of the toughest stealth challenges in MGS4 despite this, bordering on frustration, which itself repeats the original's less forgiving nature.

The player has their role too - or some do, at least. MGS4 is often described as a game 'for the fans', which is too simple, but in this specific instance it is going for the gut of those who were there a decade ago. Two generations of console technology later, it is impossible not to look around this awe-inspiring recreation of Shadow Moses and reflect on the gap personally: I was around 16 when I played MGS, and this section of MGS4 was the madeleine that brought those memories rushing back.

For each player, the level of introspection and impact will be individual, which for me makes Shadow Moses a conceptually perfect use of repetition. MGS4 is far from a perfect game, however, and Shadow Moses is one reason why. The game's opening locations are large and detailed environments, with packed interiors, full of multiple routes and opportunities to play around.

Whatever else the game is lining up in a narrative sense, it initially gets the balance between refining and updating the core MGS experience bang-on. Snake may be an old man but, in practice, he's still enormously capable and much more fluid to control than MGS3's Naked Snake thanks largely to the addition of a crouch walk. Problems arise when Kojima's narrative ambitions begin to encroach on and eventually smother the game underneath.

The cut-scenes are a big problem, but cut-scenes can be skipped. From the third chapter onwards, however, objective and environment design become much more linear, often just bookending cut-scene after cut-scene. The narrative keeps pulling you forward, faster and faster, but the interactive elements start to be phoned in along the way. Worse, stealth begins to be de-emphasised in favour of big set-pieces and half-baked variations, like tailing an enemy. What do you need help on?

Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. User Info: dnvrmnzero. User Info: -NaS-. Old enough to be called Old Snake. MGS 4 takes place in He just looks old because of rapid aging cause by his existence as a clone, as in its a failsafe or something. User Info: lakepccd. PSN: lakepccd.


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