Travel Trade. Things To Do. Plan Your Trip. Anaheim Destination Guide. Anaheim Newsletter. Events in Anaheim. Things To Do in Anaheim. Hotels in Anaheim. Restaurants in Anaheim. Plan Your Trip to Anaheim. Randy D, Dude, the Coasterguy, Kurt, runs this website as a hobby as an enthusiast.
He has a job and a family. You should be grateful that you get to read detailed trip reports and construction updates. I hope Kurt is appreciated in the way he deserves for such outstanding coverage.
Unfortunately he has raised the bar so high, that you seem to take this website for granted. I was at the park for the last to days and Wednesday the trains were both at the loading station and went back today and only one train was there and I think I saw the second one in the tunnel. They have indeed started testing the trains. I posted a pic on my Facebook page.
But I believe that is what he is talking about, yes. Ill be going by there tommorow as the hr department has been going to voicemail all week long and the site said to call that number for an interview.
The Coaster Guy. There is no maximum height restriction for Full Throttle. However, the taller you are, or rather the longer your legs are, the more uncomfortable the shin bars are going to be. Full throttle is super fun! Actually the restraints are really good because it feels like you are going to fall out of your seat in the loop!
Your email address will not be published. So the train is in Texas. Two-thirds of the rides have minimum height restrictions which range from 48 to 54 inches tall. Measure your children's height before you go and explain which rides they can go on. At the park, get a one-time height check wristband at Guest Relations, security information booths, and the major rides. Be sure your smartphone is fully charged.
You'll be using it for picture-taking, texting and using the Magic Mountain app. In case you split up, or someone gets misplaced, plan where to meet or be sure everyone has all the phone numbers they need. If you buy your tickets online , be sure they print out clearly. If you can't print the ticket, go to Guest Relations Booth with your email receipt or order confirmation number, photo ID, and the credit card you used to buy it. Magic Mountain has metal detectors outside the entrance.
You can speed up the process by dressing simply and being prepared. You can leave the park and come back in the same day , but you need to get your hand stamped, even if you have a season pass. Magic Mountain is relatively small, but it can still wear you out. You can save time and aching feet by using the Orient Express people mover. It runs from near the entry plaza to the Ninja ride. Magic Mountain is easy to get around, with big signs everywhere.
You can also get a paper map at the gate, or get their mobile app. Even the mids can feel like a scorcher in this park with few trees and lots of asphalt to radiate the heat. Waterproof sunscreen, a hat, and plenty of water can help.
Keep cool: freeze a wet washcloth and put it in a plastic bag or bring along a bottle of frozen water. In summer when they're open late, arrive in mid-afternoon. Don't carry too much. You have to drag every ounce of it around with you all day. Don't try to stow things in shirt pockets. They can fall out on rides. If that happens to you, lost items go to Lost and Found where they stay for a week. Lockers are behind Guest Relations.
Renting one of them for the whole day is cheaper than paying for the lockers near each ride entrance. A better option is to travel light and wear clothing with pockets that close securely with buttons, zippers or Velcro. If anyone is susceptible to motion sickness , research how to prevent and treat it. Go shopping and play arcade games late in the day , so you don't have to carry purchases and prizes around. Wear comfortable shoes that cover your feet.
Leave dangling jewelry at home and avoid wearing anything that park management might find "inappropriate. Turning a shirt inside out isn't accepted. Bring warmer clothing for the evening , even in summer. Tickets for Magic Mountain can be found at a discount, but they'll find other ways to get your money. In some businesses, they call those "extras" revenue generators. At Magic Mountain, they include:.